The official database of buildings, new facades, sculptures, monuments, fountains and other structures which are components of Skopje’s makeover financed by public funds
The state owned power plant ELEM is building its new administrative building, which is projected to be 29 metres tall and have eight storeys and an attic.
Architects Lazar Dimov, Zarko Causevski, Stefan Smilevski and the “Neimar Engineering” architectural studio were entrusted with the design of the building.
In line with the aesthetics of the entire “Skopje 2014” project, the new administrative building of AD ELEM will be in the neo-Classical style, which was a core requirement of the published tender for the architectural design.
To build this along with two more buildings in the space around the Bristol hotel, the City’s masterplan was changed in order to legitimise cutting down trees and destroying an entire green area in that part of the city. Many residents of the area and the wider public expressed their revolt as a result of this transgression. However, despite the protests, in which the police were involved on several occasions, construction work is being carried out.