Display of results for 1 investor

33.24 million €

Constitutional Court, State Archives and Archaeological Museum

The Constitutional Court, the State Archives and the Archaeological Museum, all featuring elements of architecture from the time of Classical antiquity, became one of the signature features of “Skopje 2014”.

The list indicates the value the investors have paid to the contractors for each structure, according to the search criteria. The User Manual contains more information on how to use the Database.

No. Structure name Amount spent for a structure in euros Amount spent for a structure in denars
1 Constitutional Court, State Archives and Archaeological Museum 33.240.776 € 2.044.307.714 den.
2 Faculty of Dramatic Arts (FDU) 26.426.262 € 1.625.215.110 den.
3 Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) 19.899.230 € 1.223.802.655 den.
4 Façade of Government House 17.697.427 € 1.088.391.750 den.
5 Public Prosecutor’s Office and Directorate of Financial Police 14.635.413 € 900.077.882 den.
6 “Lazar Pop-Trajkov” Palace 13.760.113 € 846.246.921 den.
7 Underground parking garage – MOB 9.663.531 € 594.307.179 den.
8 State Audit Office, Bureau for Geology and Joint Stock Company for Management with Housing and Business Properties (“Emanuel Cuckov” Palace) 7.720.091 € 474.785.619 den.
9 Landscape design near Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) 6.327.849 € 389.162.684 den.
10 Panko Brashnarov Palace (Agency for Audio and Audiovisual Services) 4.542.072 € 279.337.443 den.
11 Underground parking garage - Constitutional Court 1.836.423 € 112.940.006 den.
12 Fence around the Government Building 706.607 € 43.456.354 den.
13 Facades in the central urban core 173.514 € 10.671.139 den.
14 Old Teachers Academy 85.351 € 5.249.093 den.
Total: 156,714,659 9,637,951,549 den.

The list indicates the value the investors have paid to the contractors for each group of structures, according to the search criteria. The User Manual contains more information on how to use the Database.

No. Structure type Amount spent in euros Amount spent in denars
1 Building 120.309.308 € 7.399.022.437 den.
2 Façade 17.870.941 € den.
3 Underground garage 11.499.954 € 707.247.185 den.
4 Other categories 6.327.849 € 389.162.684 den.
5 Fence / Railing 706.607 € 43.456.354 den.
Total: 156,714,659 9,637,951,549 den.

The list indicates the value the investors have paid to the contractors, according to the search criteria. The User Manual contains more information on how to use the Database.

No. Investor Amount spent in euros Amount spent in denars
1 The Government Department for General and Common Works 156.714.659 € 9.637.951.549 den.
Total: 156,714,659 9,637,951,549 den.

The list indicates the value the contractors have received from the investors, according to the search criteria. The User Manual contains more information on how to use the Database.

No. Contractor Amount received in Euros Amount received in Denars
1 DG Beton AD, Skopje (construction company) 60.913.483 € 3.746.179.180 den.
2 GD Granit AD Skopje (construction company) 54.373.331 € 3.343.959.870 den.
3 Bauer BG DOO, Skopje (construction company) 18.504.831 € den.
4 Beton - Stip (construction company) 6.267.328 € 385.440.684 den.
5 Dekon - Kom DOOEL uvoz-izvoz Skopje (construction company) 5.840.568 € 359.194.954 den.
6 Asprom DOOEL Skopje (construction company) 4.274.899 € 262.906.259 den.
7 Niprom Nikolov Petre DOO uvoz- izvoz Strumica (construction company) 1.164.960 € 71.645.050 den.
8 Macedonian Telecom company (other category) 1.046.147 € 64.338.067 den.
9 Krin KG DOO Prilep (other category) 594.654 € 36.571.220 den.
10 Elektroelement Stojmir i drugi DOO uvoz - izvoz (other category) 538.898 € 33.142.234 den.
11 Neimar Inzenering Skopje (author) 533.300 € 32.797.940 den.
12 Civil Engineering Institute Macedonia (construction company) 323.031 € 19.866.376 den.
13 Evro konsalting Skopje (other category) 313.926 € 19.306.450 den.
14 Promoting DOEL (construction company) 280.815 € 17.270.116 den.
15 Arhitektonika DOOEL Skopje (author) 231.171 € 14.217.000 den.
16 Inkom Inzhenering DOOEL (author) 200.120 € 12.307.400 den.
17 Trans Met DOO Skopje (construction company) 173.514 € 10.671.139 den.
18 Electro house DOO Skopje (other category) 160.683 € 9.882.028 den.
19 Prima Inzhinering DOO Skopje (other category) 95.935 € 5.900.000 den.
20 Etapa Proekt (author) 91.674 € 5.637.980 den.
21 Slobodan Zivkovski DIA (author) 90.325 € 5.555.000 den.
22 Blagoja Stojanoski, DIA (author) 89.154 € 5.483.000 den.
23 Makaus Blagoja DOOEL - Skopje (other category) 89.118 € 5.480.770 den.
24 Urban stil inzhenering DOOEL Skopje (construction company) 75.595 € 4.649.093 den.
25 Jugooprema trade (other category) 73.446 € 4.516.903 den.
26 Metrika Miodrag i Liljana Mitrovic DOO (other category) 65.044 € 4.000.200 den.
27 Proektantsko montazno instalaterska zadruga Energomontaza (other category) 62.577 € 3.848.500 den.
28 NETRA (other category) 57.004 € 3.505.765 den.
29 Sensor DOO Skopje (other category) 52.108 € 3.204.659 den.
30 Proming Stojanovski Blagoja - Struga (other category) 32.464 € 1.996.560 den.
31 Makoterm (other category) 29.087 € 1.788.845 den.
32 Anche Dimitrievska Toleska, d.i.a Skopje (author) 28.000 € 1.722.000 den.
33 Goce Kalevski (other category) 17.265 € 1.061.799 den.
34 Polar DOOEL Skopje (other category) 10.553 € 649.000 den.
35 Petar Stosick (author) 5.691 € 350.000 den.
36 GEMMA (other category) 4.701 € 289.100 den.
37 Kalina Gerasimova (author) 4.065 € 250.000 den.
38 Zharko Chaushevski (author) 3.252 € 200.000 den.
39 Martin inzenering DOOEL Skopje (construction company) 1.940 € 119.286 den.
Total: 156,714,657 9,637,951,549 den.