Display of results for 1 structure type

Type of structures:

Most expensive structure

Façade of Government House
17.70 million €

Cheapest structure

0.23 million €

Largest contractor

Bauer BG DOO, Skopje
13.23 million €

Largest investor

The Government Department for General and Common Works
17.87 million €

The list indicates the value the investors have paid to the contractors for each structure, according to the search criteria. The User Manual contains more information on how to use the Database.

No. Structure name Amount spent for a structure in euros Amount spent for a structure in denars
1 Façade of Government House 17.697.427 € 1.088.391.750 den.
2 Facades in the central urban core 14.059.814 € 864.678.591 den.
3 Façade of Ministry of Transport 5.731.712 € 352.500.310 den.
4 Façade of the Ministry of Justice 3.680.686 € 226.362.195 den.
5 Façade of “Pelagonija” 1.963.392 € 120.748.597 den.
6 GTC 230.244 € 14.160.000 den.
Total: 43,363,275 2,666,841,443 den.

The list indicates the value the investors have paid to the contractors for each group of structures, according to the search criteria. The User Manual contains more information on how to use the Database.

No. Structure type Amount spent in euros Amount spent in denars
1 Façade 43.363.275 € 2.666.841.443 den.
Total: 43,363,275 2,666,841,443 den.

The list indicates the value the investors have paid to the contractors, according to the search criteria. The User Manual contains more information on how to use the Database.

No. Investor Amount spent in euros Amount spent in denars
1 The Government Department for General and Common Works 17.870.941 € den.
2 City of Skopje 15.849.692 € 974.756.049 den.
3 Ministry of Transport 5.731.712 € 352.500.310 den.
4 Ministry of Justice 3.680.686 € 226.362.195 den.
5 AD Gradski Trgovski Centar 230.244 € 14.160.000 den.
Total: 43,363,275 2,666,841,443 den.

The list indicates the value the contractors have received from the investors, according to the search criteria. The User Manual contains more information on how to use the Database.

No. Contractor Amount received in Euros Amount received in Denars
1 Bauer BG DOO, Skopje (construction company) 13.229.720 € 813.627.806 den.
2 DG Beton AD, Skopje (construction company) 5.593.347 € 343.990.816 den.
3 Asprom DOOEL Skopje (construction company) 4.274.899 € 262.906.259 den.
4 Pelagonija AD, Gostivar (construction company) 4.054.068 € 249.325.158 den.
5 LSG building solutions DOOEL Skopje (construction company) 3.832.792 € 235.716.734 den.
6 Lamone Moreda S.r.l. (construction company) 3.473.173 € 213.600.145 den.
7 Urban Invest DOO, Kavadarci (construction company) 2.551.601 € 156.923.479 den.
8 Trans Met DOO Skopje (construction company) 2.211.445 € 136.003.852 den.
9 Dekon - Kom DOOEL uvoz-izvoz Skopje (construction company) 1.455.215 € 89.495.751 den.
10 Macedonian Telecom company (other category) 1.046.147 € 64.338.067 den.
11 Arhitektonika DOOEL Skopje (author) 415.846 € 25.574.500 den.
12 Zhikol DOOEL export-import, Strumica (construction company) 247.294 € 15.208.575 den.
13 Civil Engineering Institute Macedonia (construction company) 154.719 € 9.515.212 den.
14 Alding - Inzinering DOOEL Skopje (construction company) 127.777 € 7.858.268 den.
15 Jugooprema trade (other category) 73.446 € 4.516.903 den.
16 Faculty of Civil Engineering (other category) 64.984 € 3.996.500 den.
17 NETRA (other category) 57.004 € 3.505.765 den.
18 Sensor DOO Skopje (other category) 52.108 € 3.204.659 den.
19 Evro konsalting Skopje (other category) 51.943 € 3.194.480 den.
20 Montimpeks - Inzhenering DOO eksport-import Skopje (other category) 46.325 € 2.848.992 den.
21 Neimar Inzenering Skopje (author) 44.598 € 2.742.776 den.
22 Lazar Dimov (author) 39.075 € 2.403.125 den.
23 Nikola Stakinov (author) 39.075 € 2.403.125 den.
24 Sencia DOO Forli Italy (other category) 38.374 € 2.360.000 den.
25 Zharko Chaushevski (author) 35.041 € 2.155.000 den.
26 Zvonko Stavrevski (author) 31.775 € 1.954.167 den.
27 Makoterm (other category) 29.087 € 1.788.845 den.
28 Tehnokoop DOO Skopje (other category) 24.176 € 1.486.800 den.
29 Inkom Inzhenering DOOEL (author) 16.117 € 991.200 den.
30 Davos Invest DOOEL Skopje (other category) 15.292 € 940.429 den.
31 Mateski-LjM export - import Kicevo (construction company) 13.917 € 855.888 den.
32 Lou Tek DOOEL Skopje (author) 12.218 € 751.387 den.
33 Hidro gradezhen inzhenering DOO - Skopje (other category) 3.837 € 236.000 den.
34 Toplifikacija odrzhuvanje AD (other category) 2.463 € 151.494 den.
35 Martin inzenering DOOEL Skopje (construction company) 1.940 € 119.286 den.
36 Miodrag Nikitovik (author) 813 € 50.000 den.
37 Petar Paskaliev (author) 813 € 50.000 den.
38 Vasil Velkov (author) 407 € 25.000 den.
39 Bujar Mucha (author) 203 € 12.500 den.
40 Predrag Andonov (author) 203 € 12.500 den.
41 Filip Bogatinov (author) den.
Total: 43,363,277 2,666,841,443 den.